Studio Ghibli is a Japanese animation studio based in Tokyo. Speaking of Studio Ghibli’s production, it is not hard to come to mind Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, My Neighbor Totoro, Castle in the Sky, Howl’s Moving Castle, Spirited Away, The Wind Rises and so on. Seemingly light-hearted animations are rich in profound meaning of world peace and family love connection. That’s excellent artistic behaviour. The director, Hayao Miyazaki, has been lighting the life direction for a disoriented person as a lighthouse.
Loewe X Howl’s Moving Castle, in 2023, is an excellent collection launched around the world, from the design of the garment and window display to afternoon tea and the pop-up exhibition, Loewe has impressively thoughtful all details to showcase their collaboration. The combination of the iconic fashion brand and animation studio makes viewers feel immersive in the story again, or at least we think that.
Through this immersive exhibition adventure, we feel the meaning behind it. That is sending a message of supporting World Peace from Loewe, we assume. If yes, it is the coolest.